Are you ready? Are you sure?!
Is it time to call in Divine partnership?

Because through sharing this mantra I've seen it really work. Here it is.

Sat Patim Dehi Parameshwara
Om Shrim Shriyei Namaha

If you'd like to sing with me I've created a video for you.

The first line is for calling in the Divine masculine and is translated as
"Please give to me a man of truth who embodies the perfect masculine principles."

The second line is for calling in the Divine feminine in the form of Shakti and translates loosely as
"Om and Salutations to the creative abundance that is the very form of this universe."

If you are already in partnership chanting this will only enhance these qualities of truth and Divine alignment within yourself and your partner. 

As Rumi says “Lovers don’t finally meet somewhere. They’re in each other all along”. 

As you align the masculine and feminine principles within you that will be reflected in the field around you.

Enjoy and please do let me know the results! 

Wishing you overflowing, extra-ordinary, unbounded, infinite, unconditional LOVE


julia berkeley