Join Julia and friends in the backyard of Alquimia Wellness in Meiners Oaks for a glorious sunset Kirtan Saturday May 22nd 5pm.
Get ready to sing your heart wide open... Bathe in the bliss of sacred sound and let it realign your being inside and out.
Sing. connect, enjoy tonic lattes and other special treats!
What is kirtan?
Kirtan is a call and response chanting practice that moves the heart towards an experience of inner silence, boundless love, and intimate union with the Divine.
Repeatedly singing and chanting these mantras is a form of spiritual alchemy. It kindles an exhilarating and joyful mood while clearing away negativity and depression. Whether it’s your first time or you’ve been doing it forever, this practice will uplift your heart and soul.
As Krishna Das, one of the great Kirtan wallahs of our day, says “The ability to sing beautifully is enjoyable, but not necessary. What matters is singing from the heart.” This practice is for everyone.
Entrance: $20
Book now to reserve your spot as places are limited to 15.
We will be socially distanced outside and masking is optional.
Click here to sign up and reserve your spot
“The taste of the ecstasy of kirtan is the greatest satisfaction of the soul”
~ Radhanath Swami